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A Look into BenCab Museum of Benguet (near Baguio)

If you are traveling to Baguio, another recreational activity you can put into your list is to visit BenCab Museum in Tuba, Benguet. This museum has been getting attention since 2017, and proved to be a top tourist destination in the said province. If I may hazard a guess, BenCab is perhaps the most-visited museum in the country (given the popularity). Exhibit refreshes from time to time, and the place in itself is a visual treat.

In this blog post, we will just be doing a quick tour around the place with some insights on the side.
A Look into BenCab Museum of Benguet (near Baguio)

Contrary to what we may commonly know, BenCab is not located in Baguio itself. Rather, it is nestled in a municipal adjacent to it (called Tuba). If you are riding a cab or a private car, the travel time takes about 30 mins depending on the traffic condition (and whether it is on or off season). 

BenCab Museum front, Benguet, Philippines
Upon reaching the place, you'd be immediately greeted by a nice architectural facade. Personally, upon laying sight of this, I already got a notion that I'd be in a for a treat. Right off the bat, you will be needing to pay P150 (appx 3 USD) entrance fee. Compared to other museums, BenCab's rate is considerably expensive, but with the number of exhibit to witness, I'd say that there is value for your money.
BenCab Museum in Tuba, Benguet
...great variety of medium spread across the halls and rooms of the museum 

Exhibits change from time to time, so there's always something new to find here in BenCab museum. There are also a great variety of medium spread across the halls and rooms of the museum -- paintings, sculpture, photography and those in between. Also, some parts feature only works of BenCab himself, while others are a combination. 
Exhibit Hall of BenCab Museum in Benguet
If my memory serves me right, there are about 3 floors dedicated for the works of BenCab and other local artists. There are also no less than 8 distinct sections you can check out featuring certain collective themes. To browse all of these, it takes roughly an hour and a half. It really depends on the level of scrutiny you'd apply when examining the works, but that is just a general indication. 
Renz Cheng in BenCab Museum
I was not able to take a good photo of myself here in BenCab because I was too anxious of taking my mask off (Omicron was just starting to peak at the time of this visit), so I just took a quick shot. 
Some artworks in BenCab Museum, Benguet
Aside from the collection of artwork itself, what I loved about the museum is the architecture along with the interior design. The place features a very open modern design with several glass windows to maximize the natural light. 
Wooden Sculptures in BenCab Museum, Benguet
One great feature of the museum is that they are allowing you to take photos (even of the pieces of work themselves) as long as the flash is disabled. The only prohibition is of course vandalizing the art including the mere act of touching them. You can observe as closely as possible, but avoid contact to preserve the integrity of the materials. 
Visiting BenCab Museum in Benguet (near Baguio)
If art appreciation is something not within your line your interest, you may still enjoy visiting BenCab because of its gardens and landscaping. You'd find there beautiful spots to just chill as you bask on the grandeur of nature. 

Garden of BenCab Museum

In this area right here, there are some koi fish, along with some greenhouses nearby. Going around the perimeter takes an additional 15 to 30 minutes. 

Pond in the garden of BenCab Museum

Also, at the lowest floor of the museum, you will find their in-house cafe, serving aromatic coffees and other dishes (i.e. pasta, sandwiches, etc.). Drinks here are very much refreshing, as you have a good view of the garden from the inside. I was not able to take photos of the drinks and food we had, but I'd say that there are more than decent (especially the drinks). 

So there you have it - BenCab Museum. Overall, you'd be needing about 2.5 hours in this place (excluding travel time). Don't worry, it will be worth it! 

BenCab Museum in Benguet, Philippines

BenCab Museum Quick Guide

Things to see/do: See the exhibit (some areas change depending on the featured artists and the theme), Enjoy the serene environment of the area, Chill by the garden-side cafe within the museum

Budget needed: P150 (appx 3 USD) for the entrance fee, if you are going for a drink that will be an extra P150 

Is it wander-worthy? Yes, especially if you are into arts (paintings, sculpture, photography, are the common ones featured here in the museum), but if you are just lukewarm about arts, well it's just a breath of fresh air walking around the perimeter of the place

How to get there: I'm not too sure if there is a public transport that passes by the area, so it's best to take a cab from Baguio. If you are traveling via a private vehicle, you may navigate via Waze/Google Map. I'm sharing the map below for convenience. 

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